A New MyChaos


I’m gonna get a little narcissistic in this weeks’ Wordless Wednesday, cause I really like my new headshot that I got at the Blissdom Canada Conference. I really needed an updated one, so many thanks goes to all the fabulous ladies at the Corel booth. I’m seeing all the beautiful Corel headshots all over Twitter and Facebook, so the booth really was a huge hit with all attendees. Make sure to read about A Few Days in Bliss, my Blissdom Canada wrap-up post with many photos to share.

Tammi Roy smiling for the camera

If this is your first time visiting my WW posts,
know that I am anything but Wordless. Ha!





  1. that is a very nice photo! They did a great job with all the photos. You look FAB!


    I love the one with the silly lips too!!

  2. Love it!!! Gorgeous…and not a completely closed mouth smile….YAY!!!! You look fabulous – isn’t it awesome when we have a photo taken that we look at and genuinely like! so happy for you…

    I’m sooooo going to Blissdom next year *fingers crossed*

    1. Oh – you caught me!!!!!
      I realized that I started laughing during the photo and then a feeling of dread came over me when I realized my mouth wasn’t entirely closed.
      *phew* I was so relieved when I saw the photo!

      And yes, come next year – yes!!!

      1. HAHA….well it all worked out! Great photo – and even YOU like it!!!!

        And yes, I’m so hoping to come next year….*fingers crossed*

        1. hey, just saw on pinterest….1 tsp honey (raw is best) and 1/4 tsp cinnamon – take two times a day for 3 days…supposed to knock a cold right out! Might be worth a shot?

  3. There’s nothing like a new photo/headshot to make you feel good about yourself. Especially one as pretty as yours!

    Newly linking and newly following, too!

    Gillian from Baby Talk without the Babble

  4. Great picture of you. It made me think of when was the last time I had one. 🙂 Thank you for hosting this linky. It’s my first time here.


  5. Pingback: :: Good Girl Gone Green » Wordless Waste-less Wednesday :: 

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