Homemade Lollipop Photo Valentines!


Have you seen the now popular Homemade Lollipop Photo Valentines yet?

I was first introduced to this genius idea for a Valentine’s Day Card, thanks to Heather.

Photo Card? Candy? I’m game – I just had to try this idea for my own kids this year!


It’s true the hardest part is getting the perfect photo from the kids {“My arm is sore, Mom!!”}. My twin toddlers’ fists could have been closer to their body and since there was 2 of them in the photo – it was kinda squished. But, I do like the result!

Once you have your photo printed, just take an exacto knife and cut a couple slots on the top and bottom of the fists and weave through a sucker or lollipop. Easy!

This idea has really taken off – so many people are making these cards for their kids this year. Personalized, cute and very easy!

Happy Valentine’s Day from My Chaos to yours!

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  1. This is the greatest thing ever!!! I love it and am totally saving it for later. Itd be cute to get a photo of me (lol hold on I’ll explain), and send down some sweet treats to my 4 and 5 year old nephews. I think they’d get a kick out of it!

    1. That would be cute, Nancy! I think this idea could take off – personalized lolli’s for a bride and groom, perhaps!?
      You never know….

  2. OMG I’m in love!!! Next year will be our first year of official V-Day cards trading, and I am sooo doing this! Thanks so much for sharing!

    1. They were the biggest hit Cathy – and my kids love them to bits. I will do this again next year!

  3. Brilliant! I pinned this. Not only a great idea, but sooo well-executed! Coudn’t be sweeter! 🙂

  4. Such a great idea! We’ll definitely be doing this next year with both our little girls (since the bebe would then be almost 2! *sniff*). This year we found a blog that had print outs that said “you make my heart glow” and attached glow bracelets. Another great idea. 🙂

  5. Tammi…what a lovely idea and your girls look adorable, of course. It really looks like their little hands are reaching out of the picture!

  6. I love the Valentine’s Day photo cards! I like the way it look as if the girls are reaching out of the photo handing you a lollipop. Cute idea.

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